The starting point
for your future.

PontoE is an unprecedented loyalty program in Brazil, focused on providing access to education and transforming the future of thousands of people. After all, the more we study, the greater our chances of becoming a good professional, a good citizen and, above all, a better person.
For this reason, PontoE brings together hundreds of brands that are part of Brazilians' daily lives and are committed to Brazil's development. This means that you do not need to spend a single cent more to invest in education.

How does PontoE work?

Access the PontoE app in your App Store or Google Play application store
Buy or use products from PontoE Partners
Collect points
for as long as you want
Use your
points to pay for schools, courses and school supplies
education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
-Nelson Mandela.